KKG has worked for years to help connect the non-profit sector and philanthropy with local government agencies to create a whole community approach to disaster response and recovery. Government agencies know they can’t do it alone, but are often stretched too thin to incubate and nurture collaborations. KKG brings innovative models customized for local needs to create effective community collaborations and helps build organizational structures and community connections that are sustainable.
Following the 2015 Earthquake in Napa, KKG was brought into evaluate lessons learned, assist 18 philanthropic and non-profit organizations develop EOPS and COOPs, and launch a Community Organizations Active in Disaster (COAD) network. COAD, as a newly formed organization, activated in the Napa 2017 fires and provided effective communication and coordination amongst non-profit, private and government sectors. KKG understand the unique characteristics of non-profit and philanthropic sectors and helps these organizations “speak the same language” to create a more holistic approach to community resilience.
Kelle Kroll Group